Triple C Design

Triple C Design creates fashion accessories such as phone chargers, mini speakers, power banks, phone cases.
I worked at Triple C Design as a full-time Art director/ designer/ photographer/ videographer/ web developer for a year.
The keywords of Triple C Design are “Bold color, fashion, and technology, playful and unique”. 

Project Type:
Product, Photography, Video, Web, Print & Packaging 
Designer, Art director, Photographer, Videographer
Triple C Design
Year of Production:

A website that present our brand image with fashion and technology aspect. The product include: e-com website, trade show posters, email blasts, catalog, brand video and package design.

E-commerce website:

Product Photography, Mock Up, Retouching

Trade Show Product Posters

Seasonal Catalog Summer 16
Winter 14 link here  
Summer 15 link here

E-mail blasts

Brand Video Motion + Editing + Shooting

Packaging Design

     TZU HUAN LIN  /Tsu ˈhwɑn lin/
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