Imaging the Avant-Garde: Taiwan Film Experiment in the 1960s

Imaging the Avant-Garde: Taiwan Film Experiment in the 1960s is part of the 2018 Taiwan International Documentary Festival. A special series featuring Taiwan’s experimental films from the 1960s with Lightbox Film Center in Philadelphia and Anthology Film Archives in New York Oct. 17-21, 2019. Half a century ago, young Taiwanese intellectuals, who had become aware of the Western The Avant-Garde movement through writings and translations, were eager to align themselves with the innovations of their counterparts in the West. They formed for themselves a concept of what “The Avant-Garde” could look like and carried out their experiments with film and theater.
The design idea was to imagine the experimental both detailed sliced work. I emphasize the black and white film’s grainy feeling and the holographic spectrum color to express the imagined The Avant-Garde.
Key: Avant-Garde, Film, Experimental, undiscovered, taboo, mystery.

create a Taiwanese experimental Avant-Garde design
play with film grainy and holographic spectrum to reflect the taboo of the time

Brochure, Poster,
Web banner, Ad
Taiwan International Documentary Festival/
Taipei Culture Center in NY
Year of Production:

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     TZU HUAN LIN  /Tsu ˈhwɑn lin/
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