Janus Films

Janus Films portrays itself as a dedicated entity promoting the preservation and appreciation of cinematic art. They cater to cinephiles and film enthusiasts seeking to experience a diverse range of classic and independent films, often unavailable through mainstream channels.

UX/UI Designer

Janus Films


I spearheaded the development of Janus Films' new website, aiming to elevate user engagement and modernize its design. Following extensive research, I noticed that our competitors were offering a superior browsing experience with larger images. As a result, my goal is to create a timeless website that not only distinguishes itself in the market but also delivers an enhanced user experience, seamlessly guiding customers to the films they seek.

Old website

Key deliverables:

A number of deliverables were required for the project, including:
  • Redesign of website
  • Responsive media/ mobile and desktop
  • IA & User flow
  • High-fi mockups
  • Final delivery


1.Designing a user-friendly interface: The challenge lies in creating a design that is both classic and user friendly to modern users.

2.Providing a access to the archive: Janus Films has huge data base of films, user will need to be easy access those movies and find what they want.

3.Film booking service: This site will also need to provide a booking button for exhibitors (theaters) interested in showing the film for publicity.

4.Some constrains: The client prefers a website without videos or trailers and insists on maintaining a minimalist, modern aesthetic. They have requested the exclusion of animations or elaborate effects, emphasizing the importance of a classic design approach." create a problem statement

Problem Statement:

The challenge is to design a user-friendly interface that strikes a balance between classic aesthetics and modern usability, while also providing seamless access to Janus Films' extensive movie archive. Additionally, constraints such as the client's preference for a minimalist, modern aesthetic without videos, trailers, or animations must be navigated to ensure a classic design approach.

With so many features available, it's important to consider what users truly need and prioritize those features accordingly. To start my design process, I use golden circle to understand why? How? and What?


Next, I want to focus on possible features that can be the solution to the problems. 

So why do we need a website? How are we different from others? What do we provide on our site?

Why: Janus Films aims to enrich global cinema by preserving and distributing exceptional films from diverse cultures.

How: They curate meticulously, collaborating with filmmakers and archives to restore and distribute cinematic treasures.

What: Janus Films' dedication results in a profound impact, introducing audiences to masterpieces and fostering cultural exchange.

These method sum up two points:
  1. Prioritizing user-friendly navigation through Janus Films' treasure trove of archived movies, which is the cornerstone of their offerings.
  2. Promoting upcoming and new releases to enhance audience engagement and anticipation.


Several minor features requested to be inherited from the previous website include:
News, contact, Film Booking button, film details, link to press kits.

User Flows:

With the key features layout that helps the creation of user flows. By architect out the tasks one by one to avoid messing up with the navigation and hierarchy. ▼

After discussing with the stakeholders, I incorporated the necessary features and created a user flow. Besides original alphabetical sorting, we added filter by director, format, country, year. ▼



User Testing, Iterations & Final product:

I ran a usability study with internal stakeholders and external stakeholders from my circle. The goal of the user testing is to find out if users were able to find the movie.The result was very positive. One worth mentioned suggestion was regarding to the feature film’s status. After discuss with stakeholder we made an adjustment accordingly. Below is the final Hi-Fi wireframe.



Due to the limited of budget and scoop, the booking service linked to email. It would be nice to create a seamless experience for the booking service in the next steps.

     TZU HUAN LIN  /Tsu ˈhwɑn lin/
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